Goucher College is committed to creating and maintaining a campus community that actively addresses oppression while affirming, supporting, and empowering individuals of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, including their intersectional identities, experiences, and truths.
If you wish to use a chosen name instead of your legal name on unofficial documentation or change your name and/or gender on official documentation, please refer to the Name Change Policy (PDF).
For a complete listing of our current events, please visit the CREI Programs & Events page or follow CREI on Facebook.
If you have an idea for an event or program, we’d love to hear it! Please email crei@xinglongmaofang.com with your suggestions or if you would like more information pertaining to a program or event!
LGBTQIA+ Orientation Meet and Greets
Take some time to get to know fellow LGBTQIA+ students on campus.
Meeting the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month, Lavender is a student- lead affinity
space exclusively for those who self-identify as (but not limited to) lesbian, gay,
bisexual, pansexual, transgender, gender non-binary, queer, questioning, intersex,
asexual, two-spirit, and same gender loving.
House of Marsha
Meeting the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month, House of Marsha is a student-led affinity
space exclusively for those who self-identify as both students of color and LGBTQ+.
W(holy) Queer
(W)holy Queer is an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ students who also identify as spiritual
or religious, or want to identify in that way to engage in conversation with one another
around the intersections of those identities. *Hosted by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
Gender Affirming Closet
The Gender Affirming Closet is a continually growing collection of donations created
to give students free access to gender expression and gender-affirming items in a
safe, welcoming environment. Access to clothing that affirms one’s gender identity
& expression can be huge barrier for transgender, non-binary, agender, and gender
non-conforming people. We understand that many of these needed items are expensive,
difficult or even dangerous to access, and can be essential part of living ones truth.
The Gender Affirming Closet provides items for free and in accessible and brave space.
Beyond Pink & Blue: Transgender & Non-Binary Workshop Series and Affinity Spaces
Offering guidance and support, the Beyond Pink & Blue Workshop Series and Affinity
Spaces provides transgender and non-binary students with various tools, resource,
and community building opportunities for navigating Goucher and beyond. Please note: This space welcomes students who are in the process of questioning their
gender identity.
Queer Movie Night
Grab your popcorn! Queer Movie Night explores (and sometimes critiques) the various
represtation of queer and trans people on the silver screen. Please note: This event welcomes all students (regardless of sexual orientation and
gender identity) who are interested in exploring media representation of the LGBTQIA+
Lavender Meet & Greet
Sponsored by the Center for Race, Equity, and Identity and the Office of Religious
& Spiritual Life, the Lavender Meet & Greet is an informal LGBTQIA+ get together for
students, faculty, and staff to connect and build community.
Goucher Pride Month April 2020
Details To be Announced!
Transgender Awareness Week
Transgender Awareness Week, typically observed the second week of November, is a one-week
celebration leading up to Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th. Transgender Awareness Week seeks to help raise the visibility of
transgender and gender non-conforming people, and address the issues the community
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Held on November 20th, Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which occurs annually
on November 20, is a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of
transphobia and to bring attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender
Asexual Awareness Week
Held during the week of October 21-25th, Asexual Awareness Week is an international
campaign that seeks to educate about asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and grey-asexual
experiences and celebrate and affirm their identities.
Bisexual Visibility Day
Held on September 23rd, Bisexual Visibility Day is a call for the bisexual community,
their friends and supporters to recognize and celebrate bisexual history, bisexual community and culture, and all the bisexual people in their lives.
The Lavender Ceremony is an annual celebration conducted on numerous campuses to honor lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual students and to acknowledge their achievements and contributions to the college.
TALQ BIG, is a student organization which supports, connects, and fosters student’s involvement with their community, as well they provide a space to explore identity, have thought-provoking discussions, and to celebrate their lived experiences as LGBTQIA+ students.
The Center for Race, Equity, and Identity sponsors student-led affinity spaces which seek to celebrate identity and create intentional space for connection, community, and joy. Meeting the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month, Lavender is exclusively for students who self-identify as (but not limited to) lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, gender non-binary, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and same gender loving. Meeting the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month, House of Marsha is exclusively for those who self-identify as both students of color and LGBTQ+.
For more information regarding The Center for Race, Equity, and Identity Affinity Spaces please contact crei@xinglongmaofang.com.
These are a sampling of the many organizations around the country that work with and for LGBTQIA+ students, and that have internship or volunteer opportunities. If you are looking for a summer opportunity, check these out!
The Pride Center of Maryland offers over 30 programs and services that reflect their dedication to ensuring Maryland’s sexual and gender minority community have equal access to care, services, and a space where they can be their authentic selves. Each year, they serve thousands of Maryland residents in order to fulfill our commitment of uniting, empowering, and advocating on behalf of sexual and gender minorities of Baltimore and Central Maryland.
FreeState Justice is a legal advocacy organization that seeks to improve the lives of low-income lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (“LGBTQ”) Marylanders. Each year FreeState Justice receives great support from its Law, Communications and Development, and Non-Profit Management Interns.
The DC Center for the LGBT Community seeks interns year-round. Interns provide support for different programs and areas of interest at The DC Center, like Health and Wellness, Advocacy, Center Arts and Development. Interns also gain valuable office experience providing administrative support in the day-to-day tasks at our organization.
SMYALSMYAL (Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders) supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ+) youth in the Washington, DC, metropolitan region. From community outreach to event planning to program assistance, each volunteer opportunity will enhance our services and, ultimately, help LGBTQIA+ youth reach their potential.
Victory Fund provides campaign, fundraising and communications support to LGBTQIA+ candidates to increase the number of openly LGBTQIA+ elected officials –because representation is power. Victory Fund’s paid internship program provides an opportunity to gain experience in LGBTQIA+ political activism, communications or fundraising, and strengthen job-related skills.
OUT for Sustainability mobilizes the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) community for environmental and social action, in pursuit of a fabulous planet. Explore OUT4S as a project volunteer! Get to know the organization by supporting anything from a communications campaign to your local Earth Gay service project.
Are sexual orientation and gender identity included in the non-discrimination policy?
Goucher College is an equal opportunity institution that prohibits unlawful discrimination against and harassment of employees, students, and applicants for admission or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, sex, marital status, age, disability or genetic information.
Is there an active LGBTQIA+ student organization?
Goucher has one LGBTQIA+ student organization which include TALQ BIG which supports, connects, and fosters student’s involvement with their community, as well they provide a space to explore identity, have thought-provoking discussions, and to celebrate their lived experiences as LGBTQIA+ students.
Is there a campus office for LGBTQIA+ student services?
The Center for Race, Equity and Identity (CREI) engages all students in social justice through educational and co-curricular opportunities through social justice, intersectionality and Critical Race Theory (CRT). CREI strive to improve the institutional advancement of all marginalized students, specifically students of color (Black, Latinx, Asian, Native/ Indigenous and multiracial); first generation and/or socioeconomically disadvantaged students; LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual) students; students with disabilities; and international students.
Working within CREI is the Assistant Director for LGBTQIA+ Students. The Assistant Director for LGBTQIA+ Students provides support, encouragement, resources, and programs that foster the academic, social, and personal growth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual students. If you would like to know more, feel free to contact: crei@xinglongmaofang.com.
Are there activities and events on campus for LGBTQIA+ students?
The Center for Race, Equity, and Identity (CREI) coordinates and co-facilitates programs, initiatives, workshops, and discussions surrounding LGBTQIA+ topics.
Is there a procedure for reporting LGBTQ+-related bias incidents and hate crimes?
How does the school respond to such incidents?Goucher College is firmly committed to providing an environment in which all community members feel safe and comfortable, as they learn, live, and work. The Bias Education and Response Team (CCET) acts as Goucher’s “first response” team when dealing with reported bias incidents. Working closely with appropriate administrators, students, faculty, committees, organizations, and offices, CCET plays an educational role in fostering inclusive campus climates and supporting targeted individuals when bias and hate incidents occur.
Are LGBTQIA+ sensitive counseling services available?
Counseling Services staff are supportive and affirming of gender and sexual diversities. They also provide a trans therapy group on campus for transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and genderqueer students and those who are questioning their gender identity. Topics of discussion include, coming out, transitioning, dysphoria, relationships (both intimate, platonic, and familial), and building community.
What about transgender students?
Designate your pronouns on class rosters, request housing that meets your specific needs, learn how to change your name on college documents and Goucher email. All this and more are in place to serve transgender and gender non-binary students.
Is residential life LGBTQ+-friendly?
First-year and transfer students have the option to identify as transgender/non-binary on their housing application. The Office of Residential Life will work with students individually to best address their needs. The college also offers gender-neutral housing for upper-class students in several houses (Gamble And Welsh) and in apartments. These are options for students on an application basis (for apartments) or on a first-come, first-served basis during room draw.
You are always welcome to come by the Center for Race, Equity, and Identity. We are open 9:00am-7:00pm, Monday through Friday, in ATH 422. Come to relax, study, nap on one of our couches, cook food, or talk to one of our intern or staff members.
Do you have questions about your sexual orientation and/or gender identity, coming out, accessing resources, navigating hard situations, or just want to engage with a member of your community? Come by anytime to talk with student staff in our casual open space, or drop in any of the professional staff offices for some conversation and advising.
Working within CREI, the Assistant Director for LGBTQIA+ Students provides support, encouragement, resources, and programs that foster the academic, social, and personal growth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQ+) students. In supporting that vision, the Assistant Director for LGBTQIA+ Students develops and advocates for inclusive policy and practices, facilitates educational and awareness workshops for staff and faculty, provides outreach programs and events, and offers centralized support and services to LGBTQIA+ students.
For more information, please contact: crei@xinglongmaofang.com.
Additional support and guidance can be found on the CREI Campus Resources page.